carpet edging

Delivering beautiful rugs, runners and mats, expertly finished.

Exceptional craftsmanship, delivered.


Drawing on over a decade of experience, On The Edge Limited provides a premium, bespoke carpet edging service, specialising in tape binding. From large, complex, rugs for hallways, to stair runners and humble doormats, we offer a superior level of quality and finish, from our workshop, delivered to your door.

designer fabric edging

Enhance your interior with a designer fabric rug edging, the ultimate in luxury flooring.

Discover our extensive range of edging options.


We have an extensive range of carpet edging options to choose from. Our tape binding borders come in a wide variety of colours and textures, so you’re sure to find the perfect edging for your bespoke rug or runner. Alternatively, supply us with your chosen edging material which we can apply to your carpet, or work with us to create a completely custom carpet edging design.

Carpet edging with close tape binding border.jpg

An accurate, detailed finish, no matter the size or shape.

Get in touch

Discuss your requirements with us and we’ll find the carpet edging solution that’s right for your project.